Irreligion in Sweden

Sweden is one of the world's most secular nations, with a high proportion of irreligious people. Phil Zuckerman, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College, writes that several academic sources have in recent years placed atheism rates in Sweden between 46% and 85%, with one source reporting that only 17% of respondents self-identified as "atheist". Gallup Poll found in 2016 that 18% of Swedes self-report as atheist and 55% as non-religious. * Only 1 in 10 Swedes thinks religion is important in daily life. * Only 1 in 10 Swedes has trust in a religious leader.

Irreligion in Sweden

Sweden is one of the world's most secular nations, with a high proportion of irreligious people. Phil Zuckerman, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College, writes that several academic sources have in recent years placed atheism rates in Sweden between 46% and 85%, with one source reporting that only 17% of respondents self-identified as "atheist". Gallup Poll found in 2016 that 18% of Swedes self-report as atheist and 55% as non-religious. * Only 1 in 10 Swedes thinks religion is important in daily life. * Only 1 in 10 Swedes has trust in a religious leader.