Isaac Goldemberg

Isaac Goldemberg (born 1945) is a Peruvian-American author, founder of the Latin American Writers Institute, Brújula/Compass, and "Hostos Review," and a Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Hostos Community College. Goldemberg was born in Peru, and immigrated to New York City, where he currently lives, in 1964. He is a fellow member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.

Isaac Goldemberg

Isaac Goldemberg (born 1945) is a Peruvian-American author, founder of the Latin American Writers Institute, Brújula/Compass, and "Hostos Review," and a Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Hostos Community College. Goldemberg was born in Peru, and immigrated to New York City, where he currently lives, in 1964. He is a fellow member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.