Isaac ben Dorbolo

Isaac ben Dorbolo was a rabbi, about 1150. He traveled much, and knew Poland, Russia, Bohemia, France, and Germany from his own observations. Some time after 1140 he visited Rabbeinu Tam in Ramerupt. In Worms, where he remained for some time, he reports having seen a responsum from the rabbis of Palestine in answer to a question addressed to them in 960 (at the time of Emperor Otto I) by the Rhenish rabbis concerning the reported appearance of the Messiah. Though this responsum is mentioned in different sources, its historical character has been questioned.

Isaac ben Dorbolo

Isaac ben Dorbolo was a rabbi, about 1150. He traveled much, and knew Poland, Russia, Bohemia, France, and Germany from his own observations. Some time after 1140 he visited Rabbeinu Tam in Ramerupt. In Worms, where he remained for some time, he reports having seen a responsum from the rabbis of Palestine in answer to a question addressed to them in 960 (at the time of Emperor Otto I) by the Rhenish rabbis concerning the reported appearance of the Messiah. Though this responsum is mentioned in different sources, its historical character has been questioned.