Islamic Iran Participation Front

The Islamic Iran Participation Front (Persian: جبهه مشارکت ایران اسلامی‎; Jebheye Mosharekate Iran-e Eslaami) is a reformist political party in Iran. It is sometimes described as the most dominant member within the 2nd of Khordad Front. According to Muhammad Sahimi, it is "the largest political party in Iran, with thousands of members, tens of thousands of activists and sympathizers, and offices in most cities and towns". The party took 189 of the 290 seats (65%) in the Sixth Majlis.

Islamic Iran Participation Front

The Islamic Iran Participation Front (Persian: جبهه مشارکت ایران اسلامی‎; Jebheye Mosharekate Iran-e Eslaami) is a reformist political party in Iran. It is sometimes described as the most dominant member within the 2nd of Khordad Front. According to Muhammad Sahimi, it is "the largest political party in Iran, with thousands of members, tens of thousands of activists and sympathizers, and offices in most cities and towns". The party took 189 of the 290 seats (65%) in the Sixth Majlis.