Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center

Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center (ITU PolReC) was established in 2015. ITU PolReC is the first polar research center in Turkey. One year after its establishment, the ITU PolReC had its first expedition to Antarctica. ITU PolReC has MoU's with some of most known institute doing polar sciences ITU PolReC participated in 38th ATCM in Sofia, Bulgaria, 39th ATCM in Santiago, Chile and 34th SCAR in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The founding director of ITU PolReC, Burcu Özsoy, is a remote sensing expert.

Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center

Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center (ITU PolReC) was established in 2015. ITU PolReC is the first polar research center in Turkey. One year after its establishment, the ITU PolReC had its first expedition to Antarctica. ITU PolReC has MoU's with some of most known institute doing polar sciences ITU PolReC participated in 38th ATCM in Sofia, Bulgaria, 39th ATCM in Santiago, Chile and 34th SCAR in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The founding director of ITU PolReC, Burcu Özsoy, is a remote sensing expert.