It Beats the Shakers

It Beats the Shakers, or, A New Tune (1905) is a feminist, anti-Shaker satire by British novelist , based around a fictional community of Shakers. In It Beats the Shakers, the birth of daughters is shown as bringing little joy; in response, supernatural powers are shown as only allowing men to be born on Earth. Once this all-male generation hits biological maturity, the same supernatural powers bring the men women from Venus to act as handmaids, wives and companions.

It Beats the Shakers

It Beats the Shakers, or, A New Tune (1905) is a feminist, anti-Shaker satire by British novelist , based around a fictional community of Shakers. In It Beats the Shakers, the birth of daughters is shown as bringing little joy; in response, supernatural powers are shown as only allowing men to be born on Earth. Once this all-male generation hits biological maturity, the same supernatural powers bring the men women from Venus to act as handmaids, wives and companions.