Ivan Chodkiewicz

Ivan Chodkiewicz; (c. 1420 – 1484) was a Ruthenian noble from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ruthenia and Samogitia. He was a son of Chodko Jurewicz and ancestor of the Chodkiewicz family. Ivan married Jawnuta (Agnieszka) Belska, first cousin of Casimir IV Jagiellon. The marriage into the royal line helped him to obtain positions of starosta of Lutsk (1473) and voivode of Kiev (1480). During a Tatar invasion in 1482, Ivan and his family were taken hostage. Ivan died in captivity while his wife, daughter Agrafena, and son Aleksander Chodkiewicz were ransomed and continued the family line.

Ivan Chodkiewicz

Ivan Chodkiewicz; (c. 1420 – 1484) was a Ruthenian noble from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ruthenia and Samogitia. He was a son of Chodko Jurewicz and ancestor of the Chodkiewicz family. Ivan married Jawnuta (Agnieszka) Belska, first cousin of Casimir IV Jagiellon. The marriage into the royal line helped him to obtain positions of starosta of Lutsk (1473) and voivode of Kiev (1480). During a Tatar invasion in 1482, Ivan and his family were taken hostage. Ivan died in captivity while his wife, daughter Agrafena, and son Aleksander Chodkiewicz were ransomed and continued the family line.