Jabulqa and Jabulsa

Jabulqa and Jabulsa (Arabic: جابلقا وجابلسا‎) are two legendary cities mentioned in Shi'i hadith. They are said to be made of emerald and visited by the Prophet in his Night Journey. In a conversation between the Prophet Muhammad and his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib, a description of the cities are given. They are said to be situated in darkness and contiguous to the primeval Mount Qaf. Jabulqa is located in the eastern-most corner of the world and Jabulsa on the western-most one. The figure Dhu al-Qarnayn, mentioned in the Quran, is said to have tried to visit the cities but gave up halfway. However, he was successful in seeing the rising and setting spots of the Sun. Each city is 12,000 parasangs (at least 36,000 miles) long and wide, with 12,000 gates, and each are guarded by 12,000 men unt

Jabulqa and Jabulsa

Jabulqa and Jabulsa (Arabic: جابلقا وجابلسا‎) are two legendary cities mentioned in Shi'i hadith. They are said to be made of emerald and visited by the Prophet in his Night Journey. In a conversation between the Prophet Muhammad and his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib, a description of the cities are given. They are said to be situated in darkness and contiguous to the primeval Mount Qaf. Jabulqa is located in the eastern-most corner of the world and Jabulsa on the western-most one. The figure Dhu al-Qarnayn, mentioned in the Quran, is said to have tried to visit the cities but gave up halfway. However, he was successful in seeing the rising and setting spots of the Sun. Each city is 12,000 parasangs (at least 36,000 miles) long and wide, with 12,000 gates, and each are guarded by 12,000 men unt