Jack Slade (film)

Jack Slade is a 1953 American black and white western film directed by Harold Schuster, written by Warren Douglas and starring Mark Stevens. It's the predecessor of The Return of Jack Slade (1955), also directed by Schuster, written by Douglas and starring John Ericson. Both were based on a literary text by Mark Twain, Roughing It, from chapter 9 to chapter 11.

Jack Slade (film)

Jack Slade is a 1953 American black and white western film directed by Harold Schuster, written by Warren Douglas and starring Mark Stevens. It's the predecessor of The Return of Jack Slade (1955), also directed by Schuster, written by Douglas and starring John Ericson. Both were based on a literary text by Mark Twain, Roughing It, from chapter 9 to chapter 11.