Jackie Evancho discography

This article is the discography of American classical crossover singer Jackie Evancho and includes all the studio albums, live albums, EPs and charted singles, as well as the peak chart positions, for the United States (Billboard 200, Billboard's Classical Albums and Classical Digital Songs), Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand and United Kingdom. It also shows the relevant certifications from RIAA and Music Canada, and related sales figures. Evancho's eighth studio album, The Debut (2019), was her eighth consecutive No. 1 release on Billboard's Classical Albums Chart.

Jackie Evancho discography

This article is the discography of American classical crossover singer Jackie Evancho and includes all the studio albums, live albums, EPs and charted singles, as well as the peak chart positions, for the United States (Billboard 200, Billboard's Classical Albums and Classical Digital Songs), Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand and United Kingdom. It also shows the relevant certifications from RIAA and Music Canada, and related sales figures. Evancho's eighth studio album, The Debut (2019), was her eighth consecutive No. 1 release on Billboard's Classical Albums Chart.