Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus

Jacobus Theodorus (Jacob Diether), called Tabernaemontanus (1525 – August 1590) was a physician and an early botanist and herbalist, one of the "fathers of German botany" whose illustrated Neuw Kreuterbuch (Frankfurt, 1588) was the result of a lifetime's botanizing and medical practice. It provided unacknowledged material for John Gerard's better-known Herball (London, 1597) and was reprinted in Germany throughout the 17th century. His Latinised name is a compressed form of the Latinized name Tabernae Montanae of his home town of Bergzabern in the Palatinate. Tabernaemontanus began as a student of two of the pioneers of Renaissance botany, first of Otto Brunfels and later of Hieronymus Bock.

Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus

Jacobus Theodorus (Jacob Diether), called Tabernaemontanus (1525 – August 1590) was a physician and an early botanist and herbalist, one of the "fathers of German botany" whose illustrated Neuw Kreuterbuch (Frankfurt, 1588) was the result of a lifetime's botanizing and medical practice. It provided unacknowledged material for John Gerard's better-known Herball (London, 1597) and was reprinted in Germany throughout the 17th century. His Latinised name is a compressed form of the Latinized name Tabernae Montanae of his home town of Bergzabern in the Palatinate. Tabernaemontanus began as a student of two of the pioneers of Renaissance botany, first of Otto Brunfels and later of Hieronymus Bock.