James Beach Moore

James Beach Moore (April 1, 1842 in Norwich, Canada West – August 29, 1931 in Waterford, Ontario) was born into a Canadian Quaker family. According to his obituary in the Canadian Baptist magazine, "When Rev. Moore died, he was the oldest minister in the Baptist denomination of Canada and probably the only survivor of Canadian nationality who participated in the American Civil War ... Elder Moore, as he was more familiarly know in later life, occupied the pulpit in practically every Baptist church in the province [of Ontario] on one or more occasions."

James Beach Moore

James Beach Moore (April 1, 1842 in Norwich, Canada West – August 29, 1931 in Waterford, Ontario) was born into a Canadian Quaker family. According to his obituary in the Canadian Baptist magazine, "When Rev. Moore died, he was the oldest minister in the Baptist denomination of Canada and probably the only survivor of Canadian nationality who participated in the American Civil War ... Elder Moore, as he was more familiarly know in later life, occupied the pulpit in practically every Baptist church in the province [of Ontario] on one or more occasions."