James Henthorn

James Henthorn (1744 – 28 December 1832) was the president of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in 1822. James Henthorn was appointed Surgeon to the House of Industry Hospitals, on 7 December. He was a member of the Dublin Society of Surgeons, and his name is in the first Charter granted to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) College in 1784. Cameron states: 'here is every reason to believe that the real founders of the College were the elder Dease and Henthorn. He discharged the duties of Secretary to the College for the long period of nearly forty-nine years. Henthorn was Surgeon to the Lock Hospital. When he became a Governor of the House of Industry Hospitals he was mainly instrumental in inducing the Government to erect the Richmond, Hardwicke, and Fever Hosp

James Henthorn

James Henthorn (1744 – 28 December 1832) was the president of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in 1822. James Henthorn was appointed Surgeon to the House of Industry Hospitals, on 7 December. He was a member of the Dublin Society of Surgeons, and his name is in the first Charter granted to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) College in 1784. Cameron states: 'here is every reason to believe that the real founders of the College were the elder Dease and Henthorn. He discharged the duties of Secretary to the College for the long period of nearly forty-nine years. Henthorn was Surgeon to the Lock Hospital. When he became a Governor of the House of Industry Hospitals he was mainly instrumental in inducing the Government to erect the Richmond, Hardwicke, and Fever Hosp