James M. Ryan

James Ryan (April 15, 1842 – September 19, 1917) businessman, oldest of seven sons and two daughters of Mary Ellen Fleming and Michael Ryan was born in Bonavista, Newfoundland. Ryan married Katherine McCarthy of Carbonear at Roxbury, Massachusetts on March 2, 1897. Ryan one of the wealthiest people in Newfoundland and founder of a business that eventually became a Newfoundland historic property called Ryan Premises.

James M. Ryan

James Ryan (April 15, 1842 – September 19, 1917) businessman, oldest of seven sons and two daughters of Mary Ellen Fleming and Michael Ryan was born in Bonavista, Newfoundland. Ryan married Katherine McCarthy of Carbonear at Roxbury, Massachusetts on March 2, 1897. Ryan one of the wealthiest people in Newfoundland and founder of a business that eventually became a Newfoundland historic property called Ryan Premises.