James Rea Benson

James Rea Benson (January 21, 1807 – March 18, 1885) was an Ontario businessman and political figure. He represented Lincoln in the 1st Canadian Parliament as a Liberal-Conservative member until March 14, 1868, when he was named to the Senate of Canada for St. Catharines. The city of St. Catharines purchased his residence and used it for some time as the city hall. Benson married the daughter of Charles Ingersoll. His daughter Helen married Calvin Brown, the first mayor of St. Catharines. His niece, Mary Benson, the daughter of his brother Thomas, married Thomas Rodman Merritt.

James Rea Benson

James Rea Benson (January 21, 1807 – March 18, 1885) was an Ontario businessman and political figure. He represented Lincoln in the 1st Canadian Parliament as a Liberal-Conservative member until March 14, 1868, when he was named to the Senate of Canada for St. Catharines. The city of St. Catharines purchased his residence and used it for some time as the city hall. Benson married the daughter of Charles Ingersoll. His daughter Helen married Calvin Brown, the first mayor of St. Catharines. His niece, Mary Benson, the daughter of his brother Thomas, married Thomas Rodman Merritt.