Jan Howard discography

The discography of American country artist Jan Howard contains 17 studio albums, 8 compilation albums, 51 singles, 1 box set, 2 other charted songs and 12 additional album appearances. Originally a demo singer, she signed a recording contract with Challenge Records in 1958. In 1960, Howard collaborated with Wynn Stewart on the single "Wrong Company". The same year, she had her first major hit with "The One You Slip Around With". The single reached number 13 on the Billboard Hot C&W Sides chart.

Jan Howard discography

The discography of American country artist Jan Howard contains 17 studio albums, 8 compilation albums, 51 singles, 1 box set, 2 other charted songs and 12 additional album appearances. Originally a demo singer, she signed a recording contract with Challenge Records in 1958. In 1960, Howard collaborated with Wynn Stewart on the single "Wrong Company". The same year, she had her first major hit with "The One You Slip Around With". The single reached number 13 on the Billboard Hot C&W Sides chart.