Jan Rompsczi

Jan Rompski (Kashubian language: Jón Rómpsczi) (December 8, 1913 in Karthaus, Germany (today Kartuzy) – 30 December 1969) was a Kashubian activist, poet, writer, journalist and ethnographer. He was one of the most important people in the organization "Zrzeszyńce". During World War II he belonged to the secret anti-Nazi organization Pomeranian Griffin (Krëjamnô Wòjskòwô Òrganizacëjô "Pòmòrsczi Grif"). He was imprisoned in a concentration camp Stutthof. After the war he finished his studies (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) and was strongly involved in Kashubian movement.

Jan Rompsczi

Jan Rompski (Kashubian language: Jón Rómpsczi) (December 8, 1913 in Karthaus, Germany (today Kartuzy) – 30 December 1969) was a Kashubian activist, poet, writer, journalist and ethnographer. He was one of the most important people in the organization "Zrzeszyńce". During World War II he belonged to the secret anti-Nazi organization Pomeranian Griffin (Krëjamnô Wòjskòwô Òrganizacëjô "Pòmòrsczi Grif"). He was imprisoned in a concentration camp Stutthof. After the war he finished his studies (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) and was strongly involved in Kashubian movement.