Januario Galut

Januario Galut, a Tingguian Igorot, led the 33rd Infantry Regiment of United States Volunteers under Major Peyton March so they could surround and defeat 60 Filipinos led by Gen. Gregorio del Pilar in the Battle of Tirad Pass . Galut has been considered a traitor among Filipinos. The Igorot people, of which Galut was one, were also subject to much discrimination by lowlanders so it has been questioned why they should have felt loyalty to the revolutionary government.

Januario Galut

Januario Galut, a Tingguian Igorot, led the 33rd Infantry Regiment of United States Volunteers under Major Peyton March so they could surround and defeat 60 Filipinos led by Gen. Gregorio del Pilar in the Battle of Tirad Pass . Galut has been considered a traitor among Filipinos. The Igorot people, of which Galut was one, were also subject to much discrimination by lowlanders so it has been questioned why they should have felt loyalty to the revolutionary government.