Japanese School of Johannesburg

The Japanese School of Johannesburg (ヨハネスブルグ日本人学校, Yohanesuburugu Nihonjin Gakkō, JSJ) is a Japanese school in Emmarentia, Johannesburg, South Africa. The Nippon Club of South Africa (日本人会 Nihonjin-kai), a Johannesburg-based organisation, sponsors the school to encourage Japanese businesspeople to bring their families to Johannesburg. The club had been established in 1961 to assist Japanese companies operating in Johannesburg. It was responsible for the early development and promotion of the Japanese School of Johannesburg.

Japanese School of Johannesburg

The Japanese School of Johannesburg (ヨハネスブルグ日本人学校, Yohanesuburugu Nihonjin Gakkō, JSJ) is a Japanese school in Emmarentia, Johannesburg, South Africa. The Nippon Club of South Africa (日本人会 Nihonjin-kai), a Johannesburg-based organisation, sponsors the school to encourage Japanese businesspeople to bring their families to Johannesburg. The club had been established in 1961 to assist Japanese companies operating in Johannesburg. It was responsible for the early development and promotion of the Japanese School of Johannesburg.