Jasmine Delaney

Jasmine Delaney is a fictional character from the Australian television soap opera Home and Away, played by Sam Frost. Frost was asked to audition for the serial while she was competing on Hell's Kitchen Australia. After seeing that she was up against several actresses, Frost did not think she would be successful. Following a second audition, Frost was told she had won the role. Frost had no prior acting experience and she began working with an acting coach. She filmed her first scenes in August 2017, and she made her first appearance during the season finale broadcast on 18 December 2017. Jasmine's introductory scenes see her involved in a car crash, which kills Kat Chapman (Pia Miller).

Jasmine Delaney

Jasmine Delaney is a fictional character from the Australian television soap opera Home and Away, played by Sam Frost. Frost was asked to audition for the serial while she was competing on Hell's Kitchen Australia. After seeing that she was up against several actresses, Frost did not think she would be successful. Following a second audition, Frost was told she had won the role. Frost had no prior acting experience and she began working with an acting coach. She filmed her first scenes in August 2017, and she made her first appearance during the season finale broadcast on 18 December 2017. Jasmine's introductory scenes see her involved in a car crash, which kills Kat Chapman (Pia Miller).