Jay Walljasper

Jay Walljasper (died 22 December 2020) was an American writer, editor, speaker, and community consultant. He explored how new ideas in urban planning, placemaking, tourism, community development, sustainability, politics and culture could alter urban livability for the better. R.T. Rybak, mayor of Minneapolis (2002-14), wrote: “I’ve read scores of books and articles on cities, heard by now most of the very best urban minds . . . much of what I said that mattered as mayor was deeply influenced by Jay.”

Jay Walljasper

Jay Walljasper (died 22 December 2020) was an American writer, editor, speaker, and community consultant. He explored how new ideas in urban planning, placemaking, tourism, community development, sustainability, politics and culture could alter urban livability for the better. R.T. Rybak, mayor of Minneapolis (2002-14), wrote: “I’ve read scores of books and articles on cities, heard by now most of the very best urban minds . . . much of what I said that mattered as mayor was deeply influenced by Jay.”