Jean-Adam Guilain

Jean-Adam Guilain (real name Johann Adam Wilhelm Freinsberg) (c. 1680 – after 1739) was a German organist and harpsichordist who was mostly active in Paris during the first half of the eighteenth century. Fanfare - Je veux Garder - Le Beau B.T. - Amis - Ton H.C. - Babé L.R. - Joconde - Mirtil - Mon Cousin - Tircis Couché - Ma Cloris - L'autre jour - Mamy Margot - O Gué - Pierre B.- Les Pelerins 1er Air - 2e Air - Boire a son tour - je suis encor - Bransle de Metz - On dit - Allons - La Tétard - Menuet Allemand

Jean-Adam Guilain

Jean-Adam Guilain (real name Johann Adam Wilhelm Freinsberg) (c. 1680 – after 1739) was a German organist and harpsichordist who was mostly active in Paris during the first half of the eighteenth century. Fanfare - Je veux Garder - Le Beau B.T. - Amis - Ton H.C. - Babé L.R. - Joconde - Mirtil - Mon Cousin - Tircis Couché - Ma Cloris - L'autre jour - Mamy Margot - O Gué - Pierre B.- Les Pelerins 1er Air - 2e Air - Boire a son tour - je suis encor - Bransle de Metz - On dit - Allons - La Tétard - Menuet Allemand