Jean de Forcade, Seigneur de Biaix

Jean de Forcade, (* before 1635, presumably in Boeil, Béarn; † 9 November 1684, Pau, Béarn), was a Fermier des monnaies de Béarn et Navarre (Lessee of the Mints of Béarn and Navarre). He was a descendant of the noble family of Forcade from Béarn in the Kingdom of Navarre, a Protestant nobleman, but abjured from Protestantism shortly before the end of his life, under intimidation from the policy of harassment of religious minorities through the use of dragonnades, created in 1681, to intimidate Huguenots into converting to Catholicism or to leave France, and under the threat of confiscation of properties of nobles who did not convert.

Jean de Forcade, Seigneur de Biaix

Jean de Forcade, (* before 1635, presumably in Boeil, Béarn; † 9 November 1684, Pau, Béarn), was a Fermier des monnaies de Béarn et Navarre (Lessee of the Mints of Béarn and Navarre). He was a descendant of the noble family of Forcade from Béarn in the Kingdom of Navarre, a Protestant nobleman, but abjured from Protestantism shortly before the end of his life, under intimidation from the policy of harassment of religious minorities through the use of dragonnades, created in 1681, to intimidate Huguenots into converting to Catholicism or to leave France, and under the threat of confiscation of properties of nobles who did not convert.