Jerrabomberra Wetlands

Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve is a nationally important group of small wetlands in central Canberra (the capital of Australia). The Wetlands area is on a part of the Molonglo River - Jerrabomberra Creek floodplain that became permanently inundated when the Molonglo River was dammed to form Lake Burley Griffin in 1964. ACT Parks and Conservation Service manages the Wetlands in partnership with the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust.

Jerrabomberra Wetlands

Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve is a nationally important group of small wetlands in central Canberra (the capital of Australia). The Wetlands area is on a part of the Molonglo River - Jerrabomberra Creek floodplain that became permanently inundated when the Molonglo River was dammed to form Lake Burley Griffin in 1964. ACT Parks and Conservation Service manages the Wetlands in partnership with the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust.