Jesse Handsley

Jesse Handsley (29 March 1876 – c. 3 June 1916) was an able seaman who served with distinction under Captain Robert Falcon Scott on Scott's first expedition to the Antarctic regions; the Discovery expedition of 1901 to 1904. At the age of 15 he joined the Royal Navy and on 24 December 1901, whilst serving on HMS Ringarooma at Port Chalmers, New Zealand he volunteered to join the British National Antarctic Expedition (the Discovery expedition).

Jesse Handsley

Jesse Handsley (29 March 1876 – c. 3 June 1916) was an able seaman who served with distinction under Captain Robert Falcon Scott on Scott's first expedition to the Antarctic regions; the Discovery expedition of 1901 to 1904. At the age of 15 he joined the Royal Navy and on 24 December 1901, whilst serving on HMS Ringarooma at Port Chalmers, New Zealand he volunteered to join the British National Antarctic Expedition (the Discovery expedition).