Jin Moyu

Jin Moyu (Chinese: 金默玉; pinyin: Jīn Mòyù; 1918 – May 26, 2014), also known as Aisin Gioro Xianqi (Chinese: 愛新覺羅 顯琦; pinyin: Àixīnjuéluó Xiǎnqí), was a Chinese educator and the last surviving Manchu princess. She was the 17th and youngest daughter of Shanqi, the 10th heir to the Prince Su peerage of the Aisin Gioro clan, the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty, which ended with the Xinhai Revolution in 1911.

Jin Moyu

Jin Moyu (Chinese: 金默玉; pinyin: Jīn Mòyù; 1918 – May 26, 2014), also known as Aisin Gioro Xianqi (Chinese: 愛新覺羅 顯琦; pinyin: Àixīnjuéluó Xiǎnqí), was a Chinese educator and the last surviving Manchu princess. She was the 17th and youngest daughter of Shanqi, the 10th heir to the Prince Su peerage of the Aisin Gioro clan, the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty, which ended with the Xinhai Revolution in 1911.