Joaquim Albareda

Joaquim Albareda Salvadó (Manlleu, 1957), is the chairing professor of modern history at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and former director of the Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens Vives at the same college. He is the head researcher of the research project España y los tratados de Utrecht (1712-1714), of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Grup d’estudi de les institucions i de la societat a la Catalunya moderna (16th-19th Century). Director of the history collection publication Referències from Eumo Editorial. During last years he has focused his research on the topic of the War of Spanish Succession (1705-1714) and the political history of the 18th century.

Joaquim Albareda

Joaquim Albareda Salvadó (Manlleu, 1957), is the chairing professor of modern history at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and former director of the Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens Vives at the same college. He is the head researcher of the research project España y los tratados de Utrecht (1712-1714), of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Grup d’estudi de les institucions i de la societat a la Catalunya moderna (16th-19th Century). Director of the history collection publication Referències from Eumo Editorial. During last years he has focused his research on the topic of the War of Spanish Succession (1705-1714) and the political history of the 18th century.