Johan Arnold Bloys van Treslong

Johan Arnold Bloys van Treslong (Steenbergen, 8 November 1757 – Amsterdam, 26 January 1824) was a Dutch naval officer and Patriot. He started his naval career in 1772, serving as a midshipman with the Admiralty of the Maze. He served under the Dutch Republic on the North Sea, in the West Indies and in battle with Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean.

Johan Arnold Bloys van Treslong

Johan Arnold Bloys van Treslong (Steenbergen, 8 November 1757 – Amsterdam, 26 January 1824) was a Dutch naval officer and Patriot. He started his naval career in 1772, serving as a midshipman with the Admiralty of the Maze. He served under the Dutch Republic on the North Sea, in the West Indies and in battle with Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean.