Johannes Ambundii

Johannes VI Ambundii, Archbishopric of Riga 1418-1424, secular name Johannes Ambundii de Swan, also Abundi, Ambundij, Habundi, Habendi, Habindi, Almanni and ~ von Schwan (born 1384; died 16 June 1424) was a German ecclesiastic. Ambundii is thought to be born in the area of Stettin (Szczecin) in Pomerania. He studied at the Juristical University of Prague, and graduated in 1391. Later, he got his doctor in theology and canonical law.

Johannes Ambundii

Johannes VI Ambundii, Archbishopric of Riga 1418-1424, secular name Johannes Ambundii de Swan, also Abundi, Ambundij, Habundi, Habendi, Habindi, Almanni and ~ von Schwan (born 1384; died 16 June 1424) was a German ecclesiastic. Ambundii is thought to be born in the area of Stettin (Szczecin) in Pomerania. He studied at the Juristical University of Prague, and graduated in 1391. Later, he got his doctor in theology and canonical law.