Johannes Balzli

Johannes Hans Balzli, more commonly known as Johannes Balzli, was an Austrian/German author, newspaper editor, Theosophist and Armanist, most notable for his biography of Guido von List, entitled, "Guido v. List: Der Wiederentdecker Uralter Arischer Weisheit - Sein Leben und sein Schaffen" . ("Guido v. List - The Rediscoverer of Ancient Aryan Wisdom - His Life and His Work.")

Johannes Balzli

Johannes Hans Balzli, more commonly known as Johannes Balzli, was an Austrian/German author, newspaper editor, Theosophist and Armanist, most notable for his biography of Guido von List, entitled, "Guido v. List: Der Wiederentdecker Uralter Arischer Weisheit - Sein Leben und sein Schaffen" . ("Guido v. List - The Rediscoverer of Ancient Aryan Wisdom - His Life and His Work.")