John's vision of the Son of Man

John's vision of the Son of Man is a vision described in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:9–Revelation 1:20) in which the author, identified as John, sees a person he describes as one "like the Son of Man" (verse 13). The Son of Man is portrayed in this vision as having a robe with a golden sash, white hair, eyes like blazing fire, feet like bronze and a voice like rushing waters. He holds seven stars in his right hand and has a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. The vision is interpreted by Christians as the only identifiable physical description of Jesus in any form in the Christian biblical canon.

John's vision of the Son of Man

John's vision of the Son of Man is a vision described in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:9–Revelation 1:20) in which the author, identified as John, sees a person he describes as one "like the Son of Man" (verse 13). The Son of Man is portrayed in this vision as having a robe with a golden sash, white hair, eyes like blazing fire, feet like bronze and a voice like rushing waters. He holds seven stars in his right hand and has a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. The vision is interpreted by Christians as the only identifiable physical description of Jesus in any form in the Christian biblical canon.