Jonas H. French

Jonas H. French was a lieutenant colonel in the Union army, 30th infantry from Massachusetts who participated in the Union occupation of New Orleans. Upon occupying over the city, Colonel George F. Shepley had taken over duties of mayor and had appointed "... Major Bell as the recorder of the city, and Capt. Jonas French has been appointed chief of police. These functionaries will take charge of the city until some loyal citizens shall be elected to fill those offices." French was the provost marshal and chief of police.

Jonas H. French

Jonas H. French was a lieutenant colonel in the Union army, 30th infantry from Massachusetts who participated in the Union occupation of New Orleans. Upon occupying over the city, Colonel George F. Shepley had taken over duties of mayor and had appointed "... Major Bell as the recorder of the city, and Capt. Jonas French has been appointed chief of police. These functionaries will take charge of the city until some loyal citizens shall be elected to fill those offices." French was the provost marshal and chief of police.