Jordan Ganchovski

Jordan Ganchovski is a Bulgarian writer, poet, literary critic and playwright. He owns the American publishing house The World Publishing in Illinois. His literary-critical research focuses on avant-garde literature as well as social anthropology and cultural heritage. Ganchovski is the chief editor of Zlatorog and The Chicagoan and World Reports. He wrote the novel Night of the Tenth Day, which is the novel with shortest story-time in world literature history.

Jordan Ganchovski

Jordan Ganchovski is a Bulgarian writer, poet, literary critic and playwright. He owns the American publishing house The World Publishing in Illinois. His literary-critical research focuses on avant-garde literature as well as social anthropology and cultural heritage. Ganchovski is the chief editor of Zlatorog and The Chicagoan and World Reports. He wrote the novel Night of the Tenth Day, which is the novel with shortest story-time in world literature history.