Jordan Matson

Jordan Matson is a former U.S. Army infantryman and one of the first foreign volunteers to fight within the People's Protection Units also known as the YPG (Kurdish: Yekîneyên Parastina Gel) in Rojava, north Syria. Originally from Sturtevant, Wisconsin; Jordan left for Rojava/north Syria to fight ISIS in October 2014. His reasons for doing so include dissatisfaction in his marriage but mainly as a result of his frustration at the inaction by the U.S. government and the wider world. Matson told Fox6Now that he had grown up wanting to join the military, and that "I was just done with it. Just done with watching these people die. And nothing being done about it". After being refused enlistment in the U.S. military, he decided that he still wanted to contribute militarily to serving his countr

Jordan Matson

Jordan Matson is a former U.S. Army infantryman and one of the first foreign volunteers to fight within the People's Protection Units also known as the YPG (Kurdish: Yekîneyên Parastina Gel) in Rojava, north Syria. Originally from Sturtevant, Wisconsin; Jordan left for Rojava/north Syria to fight ISIS in October 2014. His reasons for doing so include dissatisfaction in his marriage but mainly as a result of his frustration at the inaction by the U.S. government and the wider world. Matson told Fox6Now that he had grown up wanting to join the military, and that "I was just done with it. Just done with watching these people die. And nothing being done about it". After being refused enlistment in the U.S. military, he decided that he still wanted to contribute militarily to serving his countr