Joseph Zornado

Joseph Zornado is an American college professor, author of a well-received book in the field of children's literature (Inventing the Child, Garland, 2000/Routledge 2006) as well as a science fiction novel, 2050: Gods of Little Earth, originally published by Speculative Fiction Review in 2007. Zornado is Professor of English and Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at Rhode Island College in Providence, Rhode Island.

Joseph Zornado

Joseph Zornado is an American college professor, author of a well-received book in the field of children's literature (Inventing the Child, Garland, 2000/Routledge 2006) as well as a science fiction novel, 2050: Gods of Little Earth, originally published by Speculative Fiction Review in 2007. Zornado is Professor of English and Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at Rhode Island College in Providence, Rhode Island.