Josiah Johnson, Sr.

Josiah Johnson, Sr., (January 17, 1795 – December 4, 1871) was a 19th-century American New York Sandy Hook maritime pilot. He was one of the oldest and well known of the New York Sandy Hook pilots having served for over a half a century as a pilot, builder, and owner of many pilot boats. He was a Privateer in the War of 1812 and was a captive in the Dartmoor Prison. Johnson was owner of the pilot boats Charles H. Marshall, Christian Bergh, and Josiah Johnson. He died on December 1, 1871, in Brooklyn, New York.

Josiah Johnson, Sr.

Josiah Johnson, Sr., (January 17, 1795 – December 4, 1871) was a 19th-century American New York Sandy Hook maritime pilot. He was one of the oldest and well known of the New York Sandy Hook pilots having served for over a half a century as a pilot, builder, and owner of many pilot boats. He was a Privateer in the War of 1812 and was a captive in the Dartmoor Prison. Johnson was owner of the pilot boats Charles H. Marshall, Christian Bergh, and Josiah Johnson. He died on December 1, 1871, in Brooklyn, New York.