Jostein Berntsen

Jostein Berntsen (born 5 February 1943) is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party. He was born in Rennebu as a son of smallholder Bjarne Kolbjørn Berntsen (1908–1980) and husmor Klara Halgunset (1911–1992). He worked as an agronomist and farmer. He was active in the Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union and the .

Jostein Berntsen

Jostein Berntsen (born 5 February 1943) is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party. He was born in Rennebu as a son of smallholder Bjarne Kolbjørn Berntsen (1908–1980) and husmor Klara Halgunset (1911–1992). He worked as an agronomist and farmer. He was active in the Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union and the .