Journeyman (TV series)

Journeyman is an American science-fiction romance television series created by Kevin Falls for 20th Century Fox Television which aired on the NBC television network. It starred Kevin McKidd as Dan Vasser, a San Francisco reporter who involuntarily travels through time. Alex Graves, who directed the pilot, and Falls served as executive producers. Despite the similarities in the titles, and the theme of time travel, the show is unrelated to the adventure game franchise The Journeyman Project.

Journeyman (TV series)

Journeyman is an American science-fiction romance television series created by Kevin Falls for 20th Century Fox Television which aired on the NBC television network. It starred Kevin McKidd as Dan Vasser, a San Francisco reporter who involuntarily travels through time. Alex Graves, who directed the pilot, and Falls served as executive producers. Despite the similarities in the titles, and the theme of time travel, the show is unrelated to the adventure game franchise The Journeyman Project.