Juan Miró

Juan Miró is a Spanish-American architect. He is Director of the Studio Mexico Program and a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Miró has directed Studio Mexico since 1998, a program that affords students the opportunity to travel to and explore Mexican culture through the study of architecture, drawing, and design. He teaches at the School of Architecture and his areas of interests are design and construction, Mexican architecture and architectural history, and the role of architects in the shaping of cities in the U.S. and abroad. He is particularly interested in looking at architectural history with the eyes of a designer.

Juan Miró

Juan Miró is a Spanish-American architect. He is Director of the Studio Mexico Program and a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Miró has directed Studio Mexico since 1998, a program that affords students the opportunity to travel to and explore Mexican culture through the study of architecture, drawing, and design. He teaches at the School of Architecture and his areas of interests are design and construction, Mexican architecture and architectural history, and the role of architects in the shaping of cities in the U.S. and abroad. He is particularly interested in looking at architectural history with the eyes of a designer.