Juhan Muks

Juhan Jaagu Muks (7 July 1899 - 23 November 1983) was an Estonian artist and painter. Juhan Muks was born in Tuhalaane, Viljandi County, Estonia. He acquired a higher education abroad before returning to his native Estonia and following his fellow countrymen Adamson-Eric, Eduard Wiiralt, Lydia Mei, Kristjan Teder, Eduard Ole, and in popularizing the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) art movement throughout Estonia in the 1920s. The group also initiated the tradition of art exhibitions throughout the country. Muks is best known for his paintings of rural Estonian landscapes.

Juhan Muks

Juhan Jaagu Muks (7 July 1899 - 23 November 1983) was an Estonian artist and painter. Juhan Muks was born in Tuhalaane, Viljandi County, Estonia. He acquired a higher education abroad before returning to his native Estonia and following his fellow countrymen Adamson-Eric, Eduard Wiiralt, Lydia Mei, Kristjan Teder, Eduard Ole, and in popularizing the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) art movement throughout Estonia in the 1920s. The group also initiated the tradition of art exhibitions throughout the country. Muks is best known for his paintings of rural Estonian landscapes.