Juke Girl

Juke Girl is a 1942 drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and written by A. I. Bezzerides. The film stars Ann Sheridan and Ronald Reagan. The supporting cast includes Richard Whorf, George Tobias, Gene Lockhart, Alan Hale Sr., Howard Da Silva, Donald MacBride, Faye Emerson, Willie Best, and Fuzzy Knight. The plot focuses on the plight of exploited farmers and farmworkers in the South.

Juke Girl

Juke Girl is a 1942 drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and written by A. I. Bezzerides. The film stars Ann Sheridan and Ronald Reagan. The supporting cast includes Richard Whorf, George Tobias, Gene Lockhart, Alan Hale Sr., Howard Da Silva, Donald MacBride, Faye Emerson, Willie Best, and Fuzzy Knight. The plot focuses on the plight of exploited farmers and farmworkers in the South.