Julia Bax

Julia Nascimento Bacellar, known as Julia Bax (Belém, February 26, 1981), is a Brazilian comics artist. Her first comic book work was published in the Brazilian magazine Kaos!, recommended by Roger Cruz (who was her professor in the comic anatomy course at Quanta Academia de Artes). After that, she made the drawings of a 12-page story on the album Quebra-Queixo Technorama Volume 2, published by Devir. By these two works, in 2006 Julia won the Troféu HQ Mix, the main Brazilian comic book prize, in the category "Revelation Penciller". She started working for publishers in other countries, especially Marvel Comics, in which she participated in the magazine X-Men: First Class. Julia also has published works for publishers like Boom! Studios, Devil's Due and Le Lombard, among others. Some of he

Julia Bax

Julia Nascimento Bacellar, known as Julia Bax (Belém, February 26, 1981), is a Brazilian comics artist. Her first comic book work was published in the Brazilian magazine Kaos!, recommended by Roger Cruz (who was her professor in the comic anatomy course at Quanta Academia de Artes). After that, she made the drawings of a 12-page story on the album Quebra-Queixo Technorama Volume 2, published by Devir. By these two works, in 2006 Julia won the Troféu HQ Mix, the main Brazilian comic book prize, in the category "Revelation Penciller". She started working for publishers in other countries, especially Marvel Comics, in which she participated in the magazine X-Men: First Class. Julia also has published works for publishers like Boom! Studios, Devil's Due and Le Lombard, among others. Some of he