Justesen code

In coding theory, Justesen codes form a class of error-correcting codes that have a constant rate, constant relative distance, and a constant alphabet size. Before the Justesen error correction code was discovered, no error correction code was known that had all of these three parameters as a constant. Subsequently, other ECC codes with this property have been discovered, for example expander codes.These codes have important applications in computer science such as in the construction of small-bias sample spaces.

Justesen code

In coding theory, Justesen codes form a class of error-correcting codes that have a constant rate, constant relative distance, and a constant alphabet size. Before the Justesen error correction code was discovered, no error correction code was known that had all of these three parameters as a constant. Subsequently, other ECC codes with this property have been discovered, for example expander codes.These codes have important applications in computer science such as in the construction of small-bias sample spaces.