Kärlekens XYZ

Kärlekens XYZ ("The XYZ of Love") is a 1971 Swedish sex educational film directed by Torgny Wickman. It is a sequel to the two films Language of Love (1969) and Mera ur kärlekens språk (1970). In 1973 the three films were edited together into a new film, Det bästa ur Kärlekens språk-filmerna ("The Best from the Language of Love Films").

Kärlekens XYZ

Kärlekens XYZ ("The XYZ of Love") is a 1971 Swedish sex educational film directed by Torgny Wickman. It is a sequel to the two films Language of Love (1969) and Mera ur kärlekens språk (1970). In 1973 the three films were edited together into a new film, Det bästa ur Kärlekens språk-filmerna ("The Best from the Language of Love Films").