Kärlekens språk

Kärlekens språk (or Kärlekens språk 2000) is a 2004 Swedish sex educational film directed by Anders Lennberg. The movie contains several sex scenes, for example the scenes including actors and Martin Hedman having sex, in an interview with Charly she revealed that those scenes were authentic. She explained further that she lost her virginity during those scenes. Charly mentioned that she is thankful for the experience she worked so intensely to achieve, especially now when she still works in the acting business.

Kärlekens språk

Kärlekens språk (or Kärlekens språk 2000) is a 2004 Swedish sex educational film directed by Anders Lennberg. The movie contains several sex scenes, for example the scenes including actors and Martin Hedman having sex, in an interview with Charly she revealed that those scenes were authentic. She explained further that she lost her virginity during those scenes. Charly mentioned that she is thankful for the experience she worked so intensely to achieve, especially now when she still works in the acting business.