KF Tirana league record by opponent

Here is a list of all of KF Tirana's seasons from 1930 till most recent season. This list shows where they finished the season, how many goals they scored and conceded, how many wins draws and losses they had throughout the season, goal difference, winning difference, earned points and matches played. The list below also displays the results from three Second World War championships along period 1939-1942, however, as these championships are not officially recognized from AFA, results are not added in the total line.

KF Tirana league record by opponent

Here is a list of all of KF Tirana's seasons from 1930 till most recent season. This list shows where they finished the season, how many goals they scored and conceded, how many wins draws and losses they had throughout the season, goal difference, winning difference, earned points and matches played. The list below also displays the results from three Second World War championships along period 1939-1942, however, as these championships are not officially recognized from AFA, results are not added in the total line.