Kaliakra transmitter

The Kaliakra transmitter is a huge facility for medium wave broadcasting, which was built after 1988 by the former Soviet Union as a relay transmitter for Southeast Europe. After the collapse of communism in 1989, there was no need for the facility and work was stopped. At that time, nine of the planned 10 masts were already completed and work on the final mast had begun. Some masts were already equipped with cage antennas, while others remained bare.

Kaliakra transmitter

The Kaliakra transmitter is a huge facility for medium wave broadcasting, which was built after 1988 by the former Soviet Union as a relay transmitter for Southeast Europe. After the collapse of communism in 1989, there was no need for the facility and work was stopped. At that time, nine of the planned 10 masts were already completed and work on the final mast had begun. Some masts were already equipped with cage antennas, while others remained bare.