Kalyn Heffernan

Kalyn Heffernan is an MC for the Krip Hop band Wheelchair Sports Camp. Heffernan was born with the genetic disorder osteogenesis imperfecta. She was born in Denver, spent her early life in Southern California, and returned to Denver at age 10. Heffernan is a community activist, participating in a 2017 ADAPT sit-in at Senator Cory Gardner's office to protest a proposed healthcare bill that would have cut Medicaid by $722 billion. In 2018, Heffernan announced her intention to "sit" as a candidate for the 2019 Denver mayoral race.

Kalyn Heffernan

Kalyn Heffernan is an MC for the Krip Hop band Wheelchair Sports Camp. Heffernan was born with the genetic disorder osteogenesis imperfecta. She was born in Denver, spent her early life in Southern California, and returned to Denver at age 10. Heffernan is a community activist, participating in a 2017 ADAPT sit-in at Senator Cory Gardner's office to protest a proposed healthcare bill that would have cut Medicaid by $722 billion. In 2018, Heffernan announced her intention to "sit" as a candidate for the 2019 Denver mayoral race.