
Kamadeva (Sanskrit: कामदेव, IAST: Kāmadeva), Kāma or Manmatha or Madana is the Hindu god of human love or desire, often portrayed along with his female counterpart Rati. Kamadeva is the son of the god Brahma. Pradyumna, the son of Vishnu's avatar Krishna, is regarded as the reincarnation of Kamadeva.


Kamadeva (Sanskrit: कामदेव, IAST: Kāmadeva), Kāma or Manmatha or Madana is the Hindu god of human love or desire, often portrayed along with his female counterpart Rati. Kamadeva is the son of the god Brahma. Pradyumna, the son of Vishnu's avatar Krishna, is regarded as the reincarnation of Kamadeva.