Kamo no Yasunori

Kamo no Yasunori (賀茂 保憲) was an onmyōji, a practitioner of onmyōdō, during the Heian period in Japan. He was considered the premier onmyōji of his time. Yasunori was the son of the onmyōji (賀茂 忠行). According to a tale in the Konjaku Monogatarishu, at the age of ten, Yasunori accompanied his father to an exorcism, where he was able to perceive the demons — a sign of talent, for, unlike Tadayuki, Yasunori was capable of doing so without formal training. Yasunori's second daughter became an acclaimed poet.

Kamo no Yasunori

Kamo no Yasunori (賀茂 保憲) was an onmyōji, a practitioner of onmyōdō, during the Heian period in Japan. He was considered the premier onmyōji of his time. Yasunori was the son of the onmyōji (賀茂 忠行). According to a tale in the Konjaku Monogatarishu, at the age of ten, Yasunori accompanied his father to an exorcism, where he was able to perceive the demons — a sign of talent, for, unlike Tadayuki, Yasunori was capable of doing so without formal training. Yasunori's second daughter became an acclaimed poet.